The College Hill Neighborhood Association (CHNA) is a group of active neighbors and volunteers working together to preserve the architectural heritage of College Hill and provide a safe and lively neighborhood for new generations of families and children to live. Please consider an annual donation to CHNA.

How Do We Support Our Neighborhood?

Support your neighborhood! Join the College Hill Neighborhood Association for the first time or renew your membership. The annual dues (which we apply to the calendar year) of $30 per household or business, help us defray costs and keep you informed about what's happening in College Hill. Please fill out the information requested on the membership form and send $30 to:

CHNA Membership
P.O. Box 20707
Wichita, Kansas 67208-6707

Please make checks out to College Hill Neighborhood Association or CHNA.


Membership Form

Become a Supporting Member of the Neighborhood!

Your participation in the College Hill Neighborhood Association is vital to us!

Just fill out the form (CLICK HERE) and send it with your $30 membership dues, check made

payable to CHNA. Your dues sustain our association and keep College Hill Vital.

It’s YOUR neighborhood!

Please let us know in the “Comments” section if you are interested in helping in a special way

Return this form with your annual dues to:

CHNA Membership
PO Box 20707
Wichita, KS 67208-6707